


So what makes a good presentation?好的簡報有那些因素? Think about the presentations that you have been to. What were the characteristics of the good ones? 想想你曾經聽過的簡報中,好的簡報有哪些特性呢? The aims and the structure need to be clear 有清楚的目標與架構 Wait until the end of the presentation before people feed back on what you’ve said 等到簡報結束後,聽眾才回應你所說的(不要被聽眾打斷了你的簡報) Make sure you are entertaining, engaging and interesting 要有娛樂性,參與感,並且有趣 Don’t make it too long 不要太長 Be short, precise and to the point 簡短,精簡,切中要點  Make sure you’re relevant – make sure you’re talking to the right audience 要有關聯性,對正確的聽眾講正確的內容 


At the end of your presentation, you may wish to open the floor to questions – to ask if anyone has any questions about your presentation. 當你結束簡報時,你也許會希望會開放一個時段來請聽眾提問,看看是否有任何人對你的簡報有任何問題。 Imagine it is the end of your presentation and you are asking if there are any questions. What phrases might you use or hear? 想像一下當你結束簡報的時候問大家有沒有問題,你會用到那些關鍵片語呢? 常用片語: If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them now 如果你們有任何問題,我很高興現在能夠回答。  Can I just ask…? 我能問...嗎? Are there any questions about any of that? 對於簡報任何部分有任何問題嗎? Yes, a very good question 是的,這是很好的問題 Can you explain to me…? 你可否幫我解釋一下...? 範例: Tim: Ladies and gentlemen, if you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them  now .         各位女士各位先生,如果你們有任何疑問,我很高興現在能夠回答。 Carrie: Yeah, can I just ask , graph number 3, that last one you showed us, can you  explain to me where you’re intending to find the extra income to increase the  designer range in the maternity wear?  ...

What are you passionate about?

Lots of people get passionate about sport, politics or music. 許多人熱情於體育、政治或音樂。 One man was passionate about performing in the circus, because of the danger and the buzz of performing in front of an audience. 有一個人熱衷於馬戲團表演,因為(喜歡)危險與眾人的歡呼聲(的感覺)。 Englishman Gerry Wells is so passionate about radios, that he's filled his house with 1,200 of them and turned it into a museum. 英國人Gerry Wells對收音機情有獨鍾,他的屋子裡擺滿了1200個收音機,還成了收音機博物館呢! The British are passionate about reading. They spend over 3,000 million pounds a year on books. 英國人熱衷於閱讀,他們每年花超過30億英鎊在書籍上。 What are you passionate about? 你熱衷於什麼呢?分享一下吧? 原文引用: BBC Learning English, Express, Passions